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RS30th Anniversary Regatta at HISC

We are looking forward to hosting 275 boats at HISC this weekend (17 to 19 May) for the RS30th Anniversary Regatta.

We would like to extend an early thanks to the 250 volunteers involved in delivering this special event. It wouldn't be possible without their support.

Please note, the majority of the parking this weekend will be on the causeway and in the overflow car park.

However there are additional restricted mobility parking spaces as well as child and parent parking spaces for members in the main car park by the clubhouse.

Members who live locally are encouraged to walk or cycle to the club where possible.

HISC Restaurant (17 to 19 May)

For those joining us for Friday night dinner we will be serving a hot fork buffet in the servery.

Saturday night we will be serving a BBQ for members and visitors.

Sunday we will still be doing our usual Lunch service.

Hayling Island SC

Sandy Point,
Hayling Island,
PO11 9SL

Tel: (44) 023 9246 3768

Fax: (44) 023 9246 9381
