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Give a Legacy – Via your Will

A large or smaller donation to the Club through your Will can be made by various methods;

  • A specific gift, possibly in the form of funding the purchase of a new safety boat or a new safety boat outboard motor. The safety boat could be named after a family member.
  • A sailing boat or a painting, which could subsequently be sold and donated towards a specific Club project.
  • The adoption by a member of part of the Club. For example; a member could adopt the Training Room, where the Legacy would pay of the subsequent upkeep and maintenance. The Training Room could also be named after the Club member, with or without an appropriate plaque. Depending upon the size of the Legacy, a Club member could, for instance, adopt the Dining Room or the Members Bar, on the same basis.
  • A substantial Legacy could be made anonymously.
  • Any Legacy could be tax efficient by making a gift through the HISTT

Should you be interested in making a Legacy, large or small, through your Will, the first step would be to contact the General Manager, Henry Message. Depending upon the nature of the Legacy, further contact with a Club Trustee or the Commodore may be appropriate. Subsequent changes to your Will would then be made through your lawyer.