Merlin Rocket Race Training Report – March 1st & 2nd
Anyone planning a sailing event for the first weekend in March approaches the date with fingers crossed that the weather will be kind!
The Merlin Rocket Class need not have worried; the Class Association were visiting for the first time in a while, and were blessed with sunshine and perfect race training wind. There was even sea breeze each afternoon!
The fleet was a mix of club members and visiting boats, and the coaching team organised two days of practice in the key boat handling drills, starting, and tuning, so that these boats go into their early season race events with a head start on the rest.
An excellent dinner was served in the Lounge Bar at the club, which gave a really social feel to whole activity.
Thanks to all at HISC who helped with the organisation of such a brilliant start to the season.
For an alternative write-up from the class association, please click here.
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