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HISC Open Pursuit Races 2024

Hayling Island SC hold a number of Open Charity Pursuit Races throughout the year.

 Next HISC Pursuit Race Event is...

Early May Holiday Pursuit Race - Monday 6 May 2024

All the Pursuit races, including the established and popular Christmas Cracker Pursuit Race in December are open to visitors, unless indicated otherwise.

Where other forms of entry are used (eg On-line entry) details will be available in the NOR and here on the website.

Contact the office for other details 023 9246 3768.

Easter Pursuit Race - Monday 1 April 2024 - 

Early May Holiday Pursuit Race - Monday 6 May 2024 

Spring Holiday Pursuit Race - Monday 27 May 2024 NOR/SI's

Summer Holiday Pursuit Race - Monday 26 August 2024

The Christmas Cracker Pursuit Race - Saturday 14 Dec 2024