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RS Aero at HISC

The Aero has taken off around the world since its launch in 2016 and has established itself at HISC.
Class Captain duties are shared between Linda Stokes and Spike Daniels. If you have any questions at all, please email:
The biggest news in 2024 for Aero sailors is that the World Championships are to be held at HISC on the 26th to 30th August 2024. Hosting the UK Nationals in 2021 Women’s UK Championship in 2023 saw us break records for home club participation at Aero events; it is anticipated that HISC Aeros will turn out in force again for this one.
As they have in the past, 2024 will see members travelling to the various UK National & Inland Championships.
Turnouts for all variants of club racing have been strong, from Sprints and long-distance races, to Wednesday evenings and the Saturday and Sunday series. Aeros have featured very strongly in the final standing of all the series.
The success story of Women On Water continues, with the Aero being a cornerstone of that success. The Thursday sessions cater for every level of ambition, including purely social sailing, though many have targeted the Sprints and Chichester Harbour Race Week in August. This year the race week will be a warm-up for the World’s which follow straight after. The first WOW session of 2024 will be on Thursday 25th April.
The 2024 club racing season starts on Sunday March 24th, but informal Sprints are likely to be held in February and early March. The first Pennant weekend is 30/31 March and these run monthly until October. The first Sprints are on the 13th April and continue until December.
It’s not all about racing though; there often Aeros out cruising or going for a blast. Because the boat is so light, it’s just plain fun to go sailing, both for novices and the hardest-bitten racing veterans.
To register for sprints in 2024 please click here