Saturday Sailing Sessions

Saturday Sailing sessions are a great way to start your weekend on the water - a supported sailing session (in the afternoon 1330-1600).
The sessions are designed to bridge the gap between other sailing courses like Seals, Red Ribbon, and RYA providing all-important regular "time on the water".
Each session is led by a club RYA Instructor (ratio of 1:6) and is structured around the individuals' ability in each session.
These sessions are aimed at HISC Youth between RYA Stages 1-4 and are open to Opi, Tera, and Feva sailors. £30.00 per session.
Sessions can be booked as late as on the day (first come first served), places are limited to 6 in a session and may be cancelled on the day or earlier due to forecast wind conditions
This is not for complete beginners that haven't sailed before - complete beginners should look at the RYA Stage 1 course.
This course is also not for people looking to gain racing skills.
Use of hire boats is not included in the price. Please book your boats through EliteLive
Saturday Sailing Sessions FAQs
Saturday Sailing provides our youth sailors with safe, regular, instructor lead “time on the water”.
The weekly sessions were introduced in 2022 to offer regular sailing sessions to fill the time between the existing sailing courses (i.e. Seals, RYA, RedRibbon) enabling HISC youth to either become an active club racer or simply a confident leisure sailor.
The sessions generally involve sailing around marks, but not specifically race practice as this is well covered by the club e.g. Easter Race Camp, Youth Training Weeks, Sunday Racing, Winter Training, ad-hoc class Coaching.
Who is it aimed at?
RYA stage 1 and above or equivalent skill level. Not absolute beginners.
Club youth sailors who are not yet club racing or don’t want to race but want to sail to improve skills, meet friends.
Ages 8-18, although typically 8-12 age range attend as there are more of them at RYA 1 / improver stage of Opi, Tera, Feva or any youth class.
My child has raced, can they attend?
Yes, they are welcome to but it may not challenge them. The instructor will endeavour to provide a suitable session and individual instruction.
When are the sessions?
Every Saturday from 3rd May - 4th October
PM session: 1300-1530
Do I have to book multiple sessions?
No. Book as many or as few as you like. You are welcome to book both morning & afternoon sessions.
Bookings are on a first come first served basis, so if there is space, you can book it.
How do I book?
It is best to book via EliteLive app.
If it will accept your booking, there is space. Alternatively you may call the office on 023 9246 3768.
How much is it?
£30 per session (2.5hrs).
Is Saturday Sailing ever cancelled?
Yes. As it is aimed at novice and younger the wind threshold is lower than other training courses. With a forecast of around 15knts+ it is unlikely to go ahead. The decision to cancel is often made 1 or 2 days prior, but may also be cancelled on the day. Land training is generally not offered as substitute as this offers less value.
Are refunds available?
Yes, if the session is cancelled.
No, if you don’t show up or cancel on the day.
Can I change my booking?
Yes, if you can’t make a session, you can re-book for a future session by calling the office. This must be done prior to the day of the session.
Who decides what is covered in each session?
The instructor will speak with the sailors at the beginning of each session to understand their level and ask them what they want to do.
If 2 or more want to pair up in 1 boat, they can, if they want to capsize for fun or sail to West Mud that's fine too..
What happens on the day?
To avoid hanging around, please arrive 5-10 minutes early. Should be fully changed into appropriate sailing gear.
Please have your boats fully rigged.
If you need help rigging, just ask the instructor.
Where is the meeting point?
Outside the training rooms (reception), the instructor will make themselves known.
We don’t have a boat, can we attend?
Yes, HISC has a hire fleet of Opis, Teras, Fevas, Lasers. You can book a boat via EliteLive too.
What ideas are there for future sessions?
Following recent feedback sessions will be aimed at having fun and may include a daily theme e.g. capsizing for fun, team relay races, dinghy water pistol fight (bring your own), sailing to West Mud or even East Head.
Suggestions can be made to the instructor on the day to.
Still have a question?
Joining Instructions